Petroleo Brasileiro SA, Latin America’s biggest company by market value, delayed the sale of as much as $25 billion of stock until September because a price […]
Senate negotiators will probably offer changes today that would soften the Volcker rule by allowing banks to sponsor hedge funds and invest their own money, within […]
Para oposição, Cartaxo terá interesse em comparecer para dar sua versão sobre divulgação de dados fiscais do tucano Eduardo Jorge Para manter pressão sobre a candidatura […]
If President Barack Obama is serious about reducing US reliance on oil and moving towards cleaner energy, he should remove a tariff on imported ethanol that […]
The German government on Tuesday played down reports of a serious clash with the US over the need for continued economic stimulus spending to revive growth, […]
Britain announced a far-reaching deficit-reduction plan Tuesday aimed at saving billions of dollars over the next five years, becoming the latest European nation to slash spending […]
Brazil’s president has blasted “gringo” outsiders for protesting a planned hydroelectric dam to be built in the Amazon. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva says no […]
Brazil’s government wants to tighten restrictions on foreign ownership of farm lands in Latin America’s biggest country, the Agrarian Development Ministry said Tuesday. Ministry spokeswoman Denise […]
O presidente do Congresso Nacional, senador José Sarney, recebeu nesta terça-feira (22), do presidente do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), ministro Ubiratan Aguiar, o relatório […]
A Petrobras (PETR3, PETR4) comunicou no final da noite desta terça-feira (22) que decidiu adiar a sua oferta pública de ações. De acordo com a estatal, […]
Com o crescimento da economia, arrecadação federal cresceu 16,55% em maio e bateu o oitavo recorde mensal consecutivo Puxada pelo aumento da produção industrial, vendas do […]
Emenda apresentada à Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias de 2011 permite a aprovação de projetos que resultam em despesa continuada. Cerca de R$ 500 milhões do Orçamento […]
A Secretaria da Receita Federal se declarou nesta terça-feira contrária à aprovação do Projeto de Lei Complementar 129/07, do deputado Guilherme Campos (DEM-SP), que reduz de […]
Brazil is aiming to cut inflation- adjusted borrowing costs to 4 percent under the next president, less than half the level in 2006, as the economy […]
A mais controversa promessa de campanha do governo do primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido, David Cameron, começou a ser adotada ontem. Nos próximos cinco anos, o Tesouro […]
Petrobras, Brazil’s national oil company, plans to invest $224bn between 2010 and 2014 as it begins to produce oil from its potentially vast deep water pre-salt […]
George Osborne is keen to demonstrate that the toughest budget in a generation is ‘tough but fair’. Photograph: ReutersThe chancellor, George Osborne, is to promise that […]
China’s decision to allow its currency to rise gradually against the dollar has strengthened the Obama administration’s hand going into a summit meeting of the Group […]