A comissão de juristas criada para elaborar o anteprojeto de um novo Código de Processo Civil (CPC) e presidida pelo ministro Luiz Fux, do Superior Tribunal […]
Brazil’s trade authority said Monday that exports to China in 2009 have enabled Brazil to cope with the impact of the global financial crisis and suggested […]
A partir de agora, as decisões dos tribunais de justiça e dos tribunais regionais federais que discordarem do entendimento do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) estabelecido […]
The economic solidity of Peru and Brazil is “envy” of rich countries, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Friday. “Today, many rich countries […]
O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, reuniu hoje os principais banqueiros do país para arrancar dois compromissos essenciais: mais concessão de créditos e o apoio […]
The first Brazilian National Conference on Communications (Confecom) opened here Monday to define guidelines for communication policies in the coming years. President Luiz Inacio Lula da […]
Um hotel de Pernambuco obteve liminar que lhe dá o direito de recolher as contribuições ao Programa de Integração Social (PIS) e ao Financiamento da Seguridade […]
O presidente do BNDES, Luciano Coutinho, afirmou que é “preocupante” a perspectiva de aumento do déficit de transações correntes do País para 2010. Com a previsão […]
O secretário-geral da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), Ban Ki-moon, fez hoje (14) um apelo aos governantes mundiais para que tenham compromisso com a luta contra […]
Ken Feinberg has finally spoken. The Obama administration’s pay czar has capped at $500,000 the annual cash salaries of some 450 employees under his purview. The […]
The Senate cleared for President Obama’s signature on Sunday a $447 billion omnibus spending bill that contains thousands of earmarks and double-digit increases for several Cabinet […]
The country of the moment is Brazil, that melting pot of almost 200 million people. A thriving democracy, it has a hugely popular president and rapidly […]
On a remote mountain pass, Chinese soldiers berated a group of Indian laborers building a five-mile road near the India-China border. The land belonged to China, […]
Energy Secretary Steven Chu will announce on Monday an international plan to deploy clean technology in developing countries, a $350 million, five-year effort that will include […]
Brazil’s economy grew in the third quarter but growth missed forecasts after Latin America’s largest economy emerged from recession in the previous quarter. Brazil posted gross […]
The United States will contribute $85 million over the next five years to a $350 million effort by industrialized countries to help spread efficiency and low-carbon […]
Toda vez que acende a luz, o consumidor brasileiro liga também a caixa registradora do governo do seu estado. O ICMS, imposto estadual cobrado sobre prestação […]
Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya says he will leave the Brazilian Embassy in Honduras by Jan. 27, when his presidential term ends, according to an interview […]