A Câmara analisa o Projeto de Lei 1210/11, do deputado Nelson Padovani (PSC-PR), que isenta de punição relativa a crimes contra a ordem tributária o contribuinte […]
Congress has earmarked September 28th as the date to decide on the terms of a constitutional amendment, known as Amendment 29, which will determine a mandatory […]
Brazil’s interest-rate reduction last week will prop up domestic demand and prevent inflation from slowing from a six-year high, said John Welch, chief emerging-markets strategist at […]
Mixing politically moderate proposals with a punchy tone, President Obama challenged lawmakers on Thursday to “pass this jobs bill” — a blunt call on Congress to […]
G7 finance chiefs meet on Friday under heavy pressure to take action over flagging growth in rich nations and calm the biggest confidence crisis to hit […]
Embraer, the world’s fourth-biggest aircraft maker, announced Thursday an agreement with Israel’s Elbit Systems to develop and produce unmanned drones in Brazil. As part of the […]
O Banco Central vai reduzir sua previsão da economia brasileira em 2011, atualmente em 4%, no final deste mês, conforme afirmou o presidente da instituição, Alexandre […]
No primeiro semestre deste ano, a Receita Federal registrou apreensão recorde de mercadorias ilegais. De acordo com o balanço, divulgado nesta quinta-feira (8), em valores, as […]
A cobrança de cotas condominiais prescreve em cinco anos, a partir do vencimento de cada parcela. Esse foi o entendimento da Terceira Turma do Superior Tribunal […]
A Fiesp (Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo) afirmou, por meio de nota, nesta quinta-feira (8), que repudia a criação de novos impostos ou […]
A Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU) apresentou ontem (8) as conclusões sobre as auditorias realizadas em contratos no Ministério dos Transportes. O órgão encontrou 66 irregularidades em […]
O Conselho Diretor da Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel) aprovou hoje uma norma para implantação e acompanhamento de regime de liberdade tarifária no serviço de telefonia […]
Brazil has been outperformed by the other three BRIC countries, figures for the second quarter of 2011 have revealed. From the traditional BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, […]
Last month AmBev, the Brazilian subsidiary of the InBev conglomerate, announced that Budweiser would be widely introduced in Brazilian supermarkets by the end of August. The […]
Higher beef prices, tight supplies, a rising currency and weaker Russian and Middle Eastern markets all contributed to a 19 per cent monthly decline in Brazilian […]
The Brazilian housing industry has emerged as the most vibrant and dynamic section of the real-estate industry. With the entry of numerous real-estate developers, availability of […]
Former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has urged companies in his country to consider business opportunities in Portugal. A credit crunch, a recession and […]
Four government ministers and several deputies have left office over corruption allegations since President Dilma Rousseff took office in January. Dozens of government officials have also […]