Economists raised their forecast for Brazil’s benchmark inflation index in 2012 to 5.5 percent from 5.4 percent previously, according to a weekly central bank survey published […]
Brazilian steelmaker CSN (CSNA3.SA) rescinded a contract to purchase the cement and steel assets of Spain’s Grupo Alfonso Gallardo, citing an alleged breach of contract. The […]
Shortly before midnight last night the government announced that the new minister of Tourism will be deputy Gastão Vieir (PMDB) of Maranhão. He substitutes Pedro Novais, […]
Ten years after the nation was unified in horror, President Barack Obama honored the legacy of Sept. 11 victims on Sunday by personally tracing the trail […]
O coordenador-geral movimento Ação Empresarial, Jorge Gerdau Johannpeter, elogiou ontem a decisão do governo de desistir da proposta de reforma tributária que está no Congresso e […]
Pimco Total Return Fund (PTTRX), the world’s largest mutual fund, is having its worst year versus rivals based on records going back to 1995, and Bill […]
Returns on inflation-linked bonds fell below those of government debt by the most in almost three years as the world economic slump makes it less likely […]
O momento que a economia brasileira atravessa chama a atenção dos investidores estrangeiros e desperta o interesse de fundos globais, que veem no País uma oportunidade […]
Stocks of international companies that depend most on emerging markets for sales show developing nations won’t be strong enough to buoy the global economy. Goldman Sachs […]
O novo advogado-geral da União, José Antonio Dias Toffoli, defende uma política de tolerância zero contra os maiores devedores do País – que, segundo ele, são […]
O ministro da Fazenda, Guido Mantega, alimentou ontem o clima de insegurança na sua equipe ao manter “na modalidade de interino” o secretário do Tesouro Nacional, […]
The Brazilian government may reduce its estimate for economic expansion in 2011 as debt and growth concerns in developed nations have led to a slump in […]
Estados e municípios ganharam um problema a mais para administrar suas dívidas com precatórios. O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) considerou inconstitucional o atrelamento do pagamento deste […]
Vasco da Gama coach Ricardo Gomes was in hospital after suffering a stroke during his team’s Brazilian championship match against Flamengo on Sunday. “His condition is […]
Brazil’s government is internally forecasting that the country’s economy will grow by 3.7 percent this year, below the 4 percent figure provided this week by Finance […]
The Gaddafi regime carried out an extraordinary clandestine lobbying operation to try to stop Nato’s bombardment of Libya, and believed the western allies were likely to […]