César Alierta, chairman of Telefónica, would like to cure the malaise at the heart of the Spanish telecoms company’s Latin American empire. Problems at its Brazilian […]
Brazil’s lower house of Congress has approved the third of four bills designed to overhaul the country’s oil legislation and give the government greater control over […]
Latin American and Caribbean countries on Tuesday agreed to launch a new regional group excluding the United States and Canada. The new bloc, seen as an […]
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Tuesday that the discussion over the sovereignty claim of the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands should be reopened. In […]
In a first step toward tighter monetary policy, Brazil’s central bank Wednesday raised banking reserve requirements on term deposits to 15% from 13%. Central Bank President […]
Brazilian Governor Jose Serra, the leading candidate ahead of the October presidential contest, would curb government spending if elected in an effort to make room for […]
O secretário do Tesouro Nacional, Arno Augustin, afirmou ontem que o Fundo Soberano do Brasil (FSB) está pronto para ser usado como instrumento de combate à […]
Mesmo em meio à diversas de categorias existentes para se investir em fundos e com uma grande quantidade de gestores para controlarem os seus investimentos, o […]
O Judiciário não fica engessado com a Lei dos Recursos Repetitivos. O que deve acontecer é a jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça mudar conforme surjam […]
Consenso entre grande parte dos economistas do País, a taxa básica de juro deve ser elevada pelo Copom (Comitê de Política Monetária) nos próximos meses. Porém, […]
É firme no Superior Tribunal de Justiça o entendimento de que o prazo decadencial [para que se exerça um direito] para pedir revisão de benefícios previdenciários […]
A Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional (PGFN) e a Receita Federal do Brasil (RFB) informam que foi prorrogado para 1ª de março de 2010 o prazo de […]
The BNDES posted profit of R$ 6.7 billion in 2009 representing a 26.8% rise compared to R$ 5.3 billion in 2008. Three positive factors contributed to […]
Petroleo Brasileiro SA may rebound from the worst two-month slump in more than a year as Brazil’s Congress considers giving the state company more offshore oil […]
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, president of Brazil, has made it no secret he wants voters to see October’s presidential election as a plebiscite on his […]
A presidente da Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, terá que recorrer à Suprema Corte, se quiser usar as reservas do Banco Central para pagar as dívidas públicas. A […]
Latin America and Caribbean nations appeared to close ranks behind Argentina yesterday in its dispute with Britain over oil exploration in Falkland islands’ waters. A summit […]