9 de fevereiro de 2024
Por que Rússia deve crescer mais do que todos os países desenvolvidos, apesar de guerra e sanções, segundo o FMI
18 de abril de 2024It is the signature drink of South America’s carnival capital: an intoxicating mix of lime juice, sugar, ice and Brazilian sugarcane cachaça that reputedly counts Madonna and George Bush among its fans.
But the growing presence of alien spirits in the Brazilian caipirinha has led enthusiasts to attempt to “rescue” their national drink. The Save the Caipirinha campaign was launched last month with an online petition that has attracted 10,000 signatures from cachaça fans, chefs and celebrities.
“We formally declare that we no longer wish to see our caipirinha being made with vodka or sake instead of cachaça,” reads the campaign manifesto, the brainchild of the Cachaça Leblon brand.
“We do not accept that this drink, which is famous and respected around the world, be disrespected in Brazil.”
Purists have grown increasingly alarmed at the “pollution” of their national drink, with many bars not using cachaça. The campaign’s backers claim 60% of caipirinhas made in Brazil are not in fact caipirinhas as outlined in the official recipe registered with the UK-founded International Bartenders Association.
A Brazilian law introduced in 2003 states that a caipirinha should be made with lime, sugar and cachaça and have an alcohol content of 15%-36%. It outlaws the “addition of any substance that alters the natural sensorial characteristics” of the caipirinha, though it is unclear if the legislation has ever been enforced.
“Brazilians need to embrace this treasure that they have – the legitimate caipirinha, made with cachaça,” says Alex Atala, a top Brazilian chef who was the petition’s first signatory and is a vocal backer of attempts to save the caipirinha.
As well as reviving the liquor’s fortunes among cocktail-slurping Brazilians, the campaign also aims to help a push for new legislation regulating the production and sale of cachaça.
According to one Brazilian magazine, the campaign’s next step will involve a protest outside the Russian consulate in Rio de Janeiro, with placards reading: “Take your vodka out of our caipirinha.”