Bubbly in hand and bubbly on the boards. The scene at the BM&FBOVESPA, Brazil’s main stockmarket, earlier this month encapsulated Brazil’s thriving alternative-investment industry. A champagne-sipping […]
Group of 20 finance chiefs overcame Chinese opposition to start crafting an early warning system to detect when economic fault lines are opening that may imperil […]
In contrast to the looming political fights over spending, healthcare repeal, and immigration, free trade could be a rare case where President Barack Obama can benefit […]
Businesses from realty and design firms to retailers are benefitting from the boomlet created by an influx of wealthy Brazilians. Fabiana Pimenta, a real estate agent […]
O governo vai prorrogar até dezembro a linha de crédito do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (Bndes) lançada no ano passado a juros mais […]
Brazil’s Senate has approved the creation of the Olympic Public Authority to coordinate government preparations for the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro. The bill creating […]
The terrible sequence of events in Japan — massive earthquake, and then a tsunami — make the nuclear crisis different from Chernobyl in 1986. The Chernobyl […]
A Receita Federal passou a autorizar o parcelamento on-line dos débitos, tanto administrativos quanto extrajudiciais, na tentativa de facilitar o cadastramento das micro e pequenas no […]
Os empresários baianos que possuem débitos tributários com o governo estadual já podem parcelar suas dívidas em até 120 vezes mensais, iguais e consecutivas, e ingressar […]
In the wake of Japan’s cascading disasters, signs of economic loss can be found in many corners of the globe, from Sendai, on the battered Japanese […]
Por maioria de votos, o Plenário do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) decidiu que a Lei Complementar (LC) 135/2010, a chamada Lei da Ficha Limpa, não deve […]
A Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU) concluiu que a ex-ministra da Casa Civil Erenice Guerra cometeu irregularidades graves quando esteve à frente da pasta, no ano passado. […]
Banco BTG Pactual SA cut its forecast for increases in Brazil’s benchmark interest rate, known as Selic, after the central bank published its quarterly inflation report […]
In the port district of Lisbon a steady trickle of young people pick their way through cobbled streets towards the Angolan consulate. Unskilled Africans may still […]
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff plans to pressure Chinese officials to buy more than Vale SA (VALE5)’s iron ore from Latin America’s biggest economy when her first […]