A Segunda Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça determinou que o Serviço Social da Indústria de Santa Catarina (Sesi/SC) não promova novos procedimentos licitatórios que tenham […]
A transferência de cota de bem imóvel do alimentante para os alimentados, visando saldar débito alimentar e evitar prisão civil, não pode ser encarada como adiantamento […]
A cobrança do Imposto Sobre Serviços de Qualquer Natureza (ISS), pelos municípios, em operações de arrendamento mercantil do tipo leasing financeiro é constitucional. Por maioria dos […]
A União pode cobrar em execução fiscal os créditos rurais cedidos por instituições privadas, já que a cessão difere na novação da dívida por não implicar […]
India is ready to cut emissions intensity 20%-25% by 2020, but won’t accept legally binding targets, raising chances next week’s global summit on climate change won’t […]
Russia is on track to far exceed its targets for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions under the Kyoto climate-change treaty, but its success could derail efforts to reach […]
Honduras’ disputed presidential election is likely to set Washington against emerging Latin American power Brazil over whether to recognize the winner of a vote promoted by […]
President Obama on Thursday highlighted renewable energy and green technology as the nation’s “best candidate” for moving away from employment bubbles like the ones that have […]
Small-scale renewable energy could provide 6% of Britain’s electricity needs – equivalent to more than two Sizewell B nuclear stations or the Drax coal-fired plant – […]
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday played down people’s hopes for the upcoming UN climate change conference in Copenhagen, […]
The global economic rebound is becoming entrenched, led by the US and fast-emerging countries such as Brazil, according to a business survey out on Monday that […]
The decision made by the Honduran Congress to reject the restoration of ousted President Manuel Zelaya compelled Brazil to reconsider its stance of not recognizing the […]
President Lula of Brazil tells Jon Snow that if the Copenhagen climate change conference fails to reach a binding agreement, “we will send a very negative […]
Ten days after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Brazil, Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim paid a short visit to Iran on Thursday to continue the […]
Ben Bernanke, presidente do Federal Reserve (Fed), alertou ontem os legisladores americanos para que não tirem do banco central os poderes e a independência que ele […]
Brazilian Labor Minister Carlos Lupi said on Thursday that his country would generate 2 million formal jobs in 2010. “I think 2010 will be the best […]
In a new research, scientists have said that the government of Brazil is aiming to end deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon and reduce carbon emissions in […]
A “máquina de bolhas” da economia mundial continua funcionando enquanto os formuladores de política econômica lutam contra a recessão com políticas fiscais e monetárias fáceis, disse […]
O Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) começa a analisar se as empresas que receberam incentivos fiscais do governo federal devem pagar taxa de fiscalização à Comissão […]