Minister Ideli Salvatti, of Institutional Relations, says she is sure that president Dilma Rousseff will veto parts of the Land Use Law (“Codigo Florestal”) that was approved by the Chamber of Deputies last month.
Salvatti declared it is well known that the president will not permit an amnesty for illegal deforestation or accept a bill with provisions that are harmful to small farmers.
“The president has made it clear that there will be no compromise on two points: small farmers must be protected and there will be no amnesty for deforestation. I am convinced that some articles will be vetoed [because they deal with those matters in an unacceptable manner]. Now, if a new bill can be drawn up that deals adequately with these problems, the gesture will be considered very positive,” declared the minister.
An alternative proposal was in fact presented on April 25, authored by deputies Luiz Henrique (PMDB-SC) and Jorge Viana (PT-AC).
“The government is pleased with the Luiz Henrique/Jorge Viana proposal. There were hopes that the Chamber of Deputies would approve the text that was passed in the Senate [at the end of last year] that was the fruit of an agreement between environmentalists and landowners (“ambientalistas e ruralistas”). What the Chamber of Deputies did was approve a text written by Deputy Paulo Piau (PMDB-MG), that favored only the ruralistas. As a result the president will decide in a few days to veto part of that bill,” said Salvatti.