O governo do Brasil vai ajudar a Líbia enviando arroz, medicamentos, materiais e equipamentos hospitalares, além de dar suporte para a retirada de minas terrestres no […]
The nondescript stretch of asphalt is an unlikely symbol of Brazil’s attempt to lift its economy into a new high-tech era. If officials in the industrial […]
European governments are running into initial resistance as they seek to use this week’s Group of 20 summit to turn early praise for their revamped crisis- […]
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM)’s purchases of Treasury securities in Brazil, where benchmark yields averaged almost 12 percent this month, helped push the bank’s holdings in […]
BUSINESS could scarcely be better for the supermajors, as the world’s biggest listed international oil companies are known. A barrel of Brent crude has changed hands […]
O ministro da Educação, Fernando Hadad, disse que o Inep, órgão responsável pela aplicação Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem), vai recorrer da decisão da Justiça […]
Criticism of capitalism has increased in recent months. Protest movements, such as “Occupy Wall Street,” are outraged at the excesses of bankers who, according to the […]
Os consumidores de energia que estão classificados nos critérios de baixa renda e que têm consumo menor ou igual a 30 quilowatts-hora (kWh) por mês têm […]
A Comissão Mista de Orçamento tem uma reunião marcada hoje, às 10 horas, para votar os pareceres preliminares ao projeto orçamentário (PLN 28/11) e ao Plano […]
A Comissão Mista de Planos, Orçamentos Públicos e Fiscalização (CMO) tem 13 projetos de lei na pauta de reuniões de terça-feira (1º). Entre eles, o PL […]
A presidenta Dilma Rousseff desembarca hoje (1º) na França, onde participa da Cúpula do G20 (que reúne as 20 maiores economias do mundo), em Cannes, no […]
A suspensão de pagamentos de convênios com entidades privadas sem fins lucrativos por 30 dias, determinada ontem por decreto da presidente Dilma Rousseff, alcançará contratos de […]
A leading anti-mafia campaigner and MP is preparing to flee Brazil after receiving a barrage of death threats from Rio de Janeiro’s powerful and violent mafia. […]
Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PETR4), Brazil’s state-controlled oil company, will channel 95 percent of its energy exploration investments to develop fields at home, Chief Executive Officer Jose […]
The United States said on Monday it had stopped funding UNESCO, the UN cultural agency, following its vote to grant the Palestinians full membership. US State […]
China’s government will not sit by and will retaliate in kind against the United States if a measure targeting the yuan becomes law, said the Ministry […]