It is not just in the desire to become a truly global player that Eletrobrás wants to follow in the footsteps of Petrobras: as the state-owned energy company plans to drop the acute accent on its name, as Petrobras did, as well as creating a new corporate logo, which will be distinct from the group’s 15 subsidiaries.
According to the grammatical rules of the Portuguese language, the accent is being dropped solely because of the company’s internationalization, approved in a Law passed last year, and one of the new directives given by Lula’s government to the state energy company. Petrobras lost its accent in 1994, during the government of Itamar Franco, under the same pretext.
According to company management, the main objective of the change is to reinforce the holding company’s brand name and associate it with all its subsidiaries – each of which currently has its own individual visual identity.
The process of reformulating the name will involve all the names of all the subsidiaries being preceded by the Eletrobras holding. That is to say, they will be known as: Eletrobras Furnas, Eletrobras Chesf, Eletrobras Eletronorte and Eletrobras Eletronuclear, for example.
“Our 15 companies have experienced a massive transformation, which has already altered the essence of the Eletrobrás System. We now have integrated companies, with their own strategic planning. The new name will reflect this new reality”, said the company’s president, José Antonio Muniz, to the Folha newspaper.
The state-owned energy company has spent R$1 million on the process of changing its visual identity, which involved internal and external studies, the redesigning of the corporate logo among other investments. The new identity will be launched on March 22.
According to Muniz, the change in the branding is another stage in the company’s restructuring – which launched ADRs on the New York Stock Exchange (NYES), authorization to operate abroad, as well as investment capacity.